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来源: 日期:2019-12-25点击:

西南大学(Southwest University)是教育部直属,教育部、农业农村部、重庆市共建的重点综合大学,是国家"211工程"和"985工程优势学科创新平台"建设高校。学校主体位于重庆市北碚区,坐落于缙云山麓、嘉陵江畔,占地8000余亩,校舍面积165万平方米,绿地率达40%,泱泱校园,宏丽庄重,气象万千,是闻名遐迩的花园式学府 (学校详情见:http://www.swu.edu.cn/xxgl_jyjs.html)。

西南大学分子生理生态学研究中心(CMEP)是依托西南大学国家级人才引进计划,以德国科学院院士、弗莱堡大学Heinz Rennenberg教授为领导的外专团队为基础组建的国际化科研平台。中心立足中国西南地区,计划汇聚国内外植物分子生物学、生理、生态学等方面的优秀科技力量和高端智力资源,建成国际化且具有一流优势的科研平台。分子生理生态学研究中心将聚焦植物生物学、生理学及污染生态学发展等方面的关键理论和技术需求,先期以具有重要生态、经济价值的农林作物物种作为研究对象,以生理生态学及基因组学为创新点,结合植物生态学、生理学、污染生态学及基因组学等领域的创新要素,以现代代谢组学、基因组学和蛋白组学等高新分析技术为支撑,构建以林木与土壤微生物互作机制、植物养分管理生态学、林木抗逆优良性状形成生物学基础及植物对重金属污染物移除效应机制等四个方向的理论与技术研究创新平台,力争在森林微生物生态学及植物营养生理学等重点领域的关键核心理论技术上取得重大突破。因工作需要,中心现开展全职博士后和博士研究生公开招聘工作,真诚欢迎各位海内外知名大学和研究机构优秀博士、硕士毕业生报名。具体事项公告如下:






二、 博士生招募计划:







1、海恩斯·莱恩伯格(Heinz Rennenberg)教授。德国科学院院士,弗莱堡大学林木生理研究所所长、教授。主要从事林木生理生化、微生物、土壤、气候变化生态学等方面的研究工作,已在国际顶期刊发表SCI论文438篇,论文他引超过14000次,个人H-Index指数达63。他领导的研究团队,经过40多年的发展,研究成果突出,已成为国际上著名的研究团队。近年来主要研究方向集中在:





Rennenberg教授担任New Phytologist、Plant Cell and Environment, Plant and Soil, Plant Biology等多个国际著名刊物的编委和主编职务,同时为PNAS、Nature Plants等60多个SCI期刊审稿。Rennenberg教授还担任欧洲植物生物学会主席(FESPB)主席、德国植物学会(DBG)终生荣誉会员及德国科学研究基金会(DFG)的评审委员等职务。

2、罗伯特-汉氏(Robert Hänsch)教授。德国布伦瑞克工业大学植物生物学系教授、系主任。长期以来其研究领域集中在植物硫素代谢、抗氧化胁迫机制、一氧化氮代谢途径及组织培养生物学等领域。在Plant Physiology, Global Change Biology, New Phytologist, The Plant Journal等国际知名期刊发表论文超过80篇。

3、艾玛诺-弗莱梅塔克斯(Emmanouil Flemetakis)副教授。希腊雅典农业大学生物技术系副教授。研究领域主要集中在模式植物固氮过程碳、氮及硫素循环机制,微生物分子生物学及生理生态学等领域。近年来在The Plant Cell, New Phytologist, Plant Physiology, Journal of Experimental Botany等知名期刊发表论文50多篇。同时担任Plant Biology,Plant Physiology, Planta, New Phytologist, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, BBA, FEBS Letters等知名期刊编委。

四、 岗位介绍及要求:














另外,在欧洲的申请者也可就近联系Heinz Rennnenberg教授(heinz.rennenberg@ctp.uni-freiburg.de;Freiburg, Germany)、Robert Hänsch教授(rhaensch@tu-braunschweig.de;Braunschweig, Germany)、Emmanouil Flemetakis教授(mflem@aua.gr;Athens, Greece)预约至当地进行面谈。



3 Postdoctoral-fellows and 4 PhD positions3-yearsin Molecular & Ecophysiology Study on Association of Model Woody Legume Species, Rhizobia and AM Mycorrhizal fungi

Southwest University (SWU)

the Center of Molecular Ecophysiology (CMEP)

College of Resources & Environment

Chongqing, P.R. China

TheCMEP group of Prof. Dr. Heinz Rennenberg,at the College of Resources & Environment at the SWU is a dynamic interdisciplinary research team that applies modern physiology and molecular biology tools to tackle a wide variety of topics in the area of ecology and physiology studies on plant and microbe sciences. In this context, CMEP is established on 2019, our overarching aim is to underpin the transition towards a more comprehensive sector in plants, trees and their associated microbe study, with a particular focus on the interactions between woody legume species, rhizobia and AM mycorrhizal fungi.

Job description

We wish to recruit highly motivated and talented post-doctoral fellows and PhD candidates to undertake original research in the area of plant-microbe interactions, with applications in ecology, physiology and the environment sciences, and ideally with special focus on the ecophysiology and molecular bioinformatics sectors.

Postdoctoral-fellow positions:

{C}-{C}Position 1:Physiological, biochemical and molecular analysis of stress responses of woody legumes; The role of nitrogen-fixing nodules in dealing with abiotic stress.

{C}-{C}Position 2:Physiological responses of different woody legume ecotypes to inoculation by AM mycorrhizal and rhizobia fungi;

{C}-{C}Position 3:Primary and secondary metabolome study on leaf and root exudation of different legume ecotypes under different nutrition treatments.

PhD positions:

{C}-{C}Position 1:Transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis of different woody legume ecotypes under salt stress in both non-symbiotic and symbiotic conditions using salt tolerant rhizobial strains;

{C}-{C}Position 2:Physiological responses of different legume ecotypes seedlings to stress (drought/heavy metal/pesticides) condition and phytoremediation study;

{C}-{C}Position 3:Plant initial transformation (organ-specific overexpression of APR in leaves and root) & cloning of different legume ecotypes;

{C}-{C}Position 4:Potentials of woody legumes inoculated with selected rhizobia strains to tolerate Cd & Hg & pesticide contaminations.

A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered for postdoctoral fellows by SWU and a Chinese Government PhD scholarship for international students out of China will be possibly offered by Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) under planned application process (https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/). Moreover, we offer world-class facilities in a pleasant international work atmosphere with ample opportunities for collaboration within and beyond our group in China, Germany, Greece and other countries. The original length of the contract Postdoctoral fellows and PhD candidates is 3 years, with potential extension until a maximum of 2 years.

Your profile

The appointees should hold a PhD (for Postdoc fellows) and Master (for PhD candidate) degree in biology, plant, forestry, soil, microorganism, ecology, environment and other relevant disciplinaries for the applied positions. You should demonstrate enough previous expertise can be applied to ecology, physiology and the environment sciences, through scientific outputs in the field. The appointees who have a strong background with demonstrated expertise in lab and field work as well as analyzing large metabolome, genome, transcriptome and proteome datasets will be specially welcomed.

It is essential that you can work in a team, as well as independently. The ideal candidates should be able to carry out high quality research and communicate the results via articles and presentations. You should also be able to collaborate actively with researchers at SWU as well as with other institutions in the international levels. Very good English in writing, speaking and reading are essential for the potential work.

SWU, Chongqing, China

Southwest University (SWU) is a key comprehensive university, under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. It was established in July 2005 through the incorporation of former Southwest China Normal University and Southwest Agricultural University upon the approval of the Ministry of Education. SWU is one of the "211" project university, with a famous guard style campus, located at the foot of Jinyun Mountain, a state level scenic spot, near the beautiful Jialing River. (More details see:http://swu.admissions.cn/info/Southwest%20University).


We look forward to receiving your application letter including a curriculum vitae, a brief statement of research interests (1 page), a list of BSc, MSc and PhD (if applicable) courses taken and grades received, a summary of the PhD (for postdoctoral-fellow position) or master (for PhD position) thesis (if completed/applicable), and names and contact information for reference letters from 2 referees. These documents has to be written in English and submitted as a single pdf file. Applications should be sent via email to:cmep_swu@126.com. Please, write “Potential Postdoctoral OR PhD Researcher at SWU + Position No.” in the subject field of the email. Evaluation of applicants will start in early November, 2019 and will continue until all positions are filled.

Any detailed information inquiries could also go directly to:cmep_swu@126.com

In addition, the candidates who are in Europe are welcome to directly contact with below professors in the group for a possible interview appointment as convenience:

Prof. Dr. Heinz Rennnenberg(heinz.rennenberg@ctp.uni-freiburg.de;Freiburg, Germany);

Prof. Dr. Robert Hänsch (rhaensch@tu-braunschweig.de;Braunschweig, Germany);

Prof. Dr. Emmanouil Flemetakis(mflem@aua.gr;Athens, Greece)

The Southwest University is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to equality, ethics, inclusivity, diversity and transparency








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